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Light Pink Roses

​What to Expect

The journey of transformation you embark on through the Alignment Coaching Program is empowering. Mindset-shifting. Life-changing. And I promise we'll have fun too!


We are navigating your personal journey from your current circumstances toward your vision. We begin by understanding the current landscape of your life with the Self-Assessment. We use this knowledge to define a tangible and achievable outcome that will be the North Star we orient toward for the duration of the coaching program. 


As we achieve clarity on the outcome, your awareness and connection to yourself, to others, and to the greater field of life is deepening, and there is a felt sense of where in your life you are not experiencing complete alignment.


Rock Maze
Concrete Wall

Increasing alignment with your authenticity will catalyze a breakthrough from any old stories, limiting mindsets, beliefs, and behaviors that were holding you back. A new story of possibility will become available to you. The landscape is shifting. You are unfolding into a new way of being.


From here, we will establish the structures and identify the growth needed to support this new way of being. Together, we will map out the action steps to expand into this new world of possibilities, charting the path toward your outcome. 


With the wind now at your back, we'll track progress and celebrate the tangible shifts into greater alignment that you experience.

  • Grounding and centering exercise

  • Reflection

  • Guided discussion and exercises based on where you are in the journey

  • Next steps and closing


The first session is 90 minutes, and each subsequent session is 50 minutes. All sessions are online via Zoom.


Reflection prompts are sent between sessions with responses provided to Tiffany before the next session.

Online Meeting
Pink Chair
  • Be in a space where you have privacy and will not be interrupted for the duration of the session.

  • Ensure your Zoom app is updated and your internet connection is stable. 

  • Have a notebook or journal to take notes and jot down your commitments.

  • Arrive on time and willing to explore new possibilities.

  • Build some time (10-15 minutes) into your schedule following the end of the session. 

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